Motorcyclists know...
Touring by motorcycle is unlike any other travel experience. Unlike travel by car or train, motorcycle touring allows you to become one with the scenery, the scents, the breeze, so that you can enjoy Japan to the fullest. Why not try it for yourself?
Fukushima: Japan’s ultimate motorcycle touring destination.
Motorcyclists love Fukushima. They come here to enjoy the richness of the prefecture’s natural beauty and onsen, and its atmosphere of traditional Japan. Fukushima Prefecture is close to Tokyo, and has roads really suited to motorcycle touring. If you’re planning to tour Japan by motorcycle, don’t pass up the opportunity to come to Fukushima.
How do I get to Fukushima from Narita Airport?
Rent a motorcycle near Narita Airport if you want to start your tour soon after your arrival in Japan. This way, you can check out Tokyo and shop for new motorcycle gear before coming to Fukushima. However, there is a lot of traffic in and around Tokyo, which could be stressful right at the start of your trip. Alternatively, you could hop onto an expressway and head straight to Fukushima without stopping in Tokyo, or to take a shortcut by taking the Shinkansen to Fukushima Station and starting from there.

Ms. Wang of the Taipei Taiwan Harley Freedom Riding Team
We toured Fukushima from April 22 to 27, 2018, with the aim of viewing the cherry blossoms, which are a rare sight in Taipei. None of our group had toured Fukushima before, and we were initially surpr...

Taipei Ducati Team “DOCT” (Ducati Owners Club Taipei) Mr. Chiang, Team Leader
We visited Fukushima from September 10 to 15, 2017. We have toured Japan every year since 2015, and on the advice of a friend decided to visit Fukushima in 2017. Neither I nor any of our team members ...